Friday, January 25, 2013

Defining Culture

Culture is everything.

Trying to come up with a definition other than that is actually very hard because when you think about it, everything is a part of our culture. Anything from the clothes we wear to the music we listen to, the books we read to the things we say is our culture. It is whatever the current "social norm" is. It is the food we eat, the celebrations we have, and our family values; essentially everything that surrounds us.

Think about what your culture is like. Where you live, how you act, and the people that surround you all make up your culture. Now think about what the culture is like in countries half way around the globe. There are so many different cultures in our world. And the beautiful thing about culture is that each one is different from the last. No two cultures are the same and they all have something about them that is unique. They have their own music, food, clothes, traditions, and beliefs to separate them from other cultures. It's crazy when you think about it really, that all these cultures came from one.

What do you consider to be the defining qualities of culture? How would you define culture?