Saturday, February 9, 2013

Why do we have paparazzi?

Paparazzi is an interesting part of our current culture. Honestly, I feel like paparazzi is weird. I can understand keeping up with celebs a little bit, but I don't see the point of a million pictures of Miley walking down the street in shades with coffee and shopping bags. We've all seen it and I, quite frankly, don't get the point. These pictures are worth thousands of dollars a piece, but why?

Shannon Doyne writes a blog, "Should the Private Lives of Famous People Be Off Limits?" ( She mainly talks about how Kate Middleton and Prince William's privacy was violated on vacation the end of last year. In her blog she takes a stance against paparazzi, saying it goes against celebrities’ privacy.

In buzzfoto's blog, paparazzi is seen in a much more positive light. In the blog, paparazzi is even called a "form of art." According to this blog, the paparazzi stake out the perfect photo in order to capture celebrities in their daily life. The writer even goes as far as to say the pictures are iconic enough that they could be hung in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

What are your thoughts on paparazzi? Should one picture be worth thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars? Is it right for us to invade celebrities' daily lives?


  1. I agree with you. the invasion of privacy on celebs is too much and the details given are unnecessary. yes, you are shopping, everybody shops, what is the big deal about that?

    to me, a paparazzi is a glorified stalker!

  2. I don't really see a need for paparazzi. I agree with Classical Geek, paparazzi are just people who follow other people around. Selling pictures of what people are doing on a daily basis, what's that point of that?

  3. Paparazzi is so unnecessary and unique to our culture however it's probably becoming part of many cultures in today's world thanks to globalization. Personally I'd hate to have paparazzi following me around taking the most unflattering pictures possible!

  4. I feel like paparazzi do go over the top a lot of the time. In the sense that artists do not get the privacy that we take for granted. I would hate to have the world know my every move. I definitely do not think they are necessary, but the fact that people keep buying magazines and reading fashion blogs encourages their career.

  5. I think that celebrities do deserve privacy in their daily lives, but we have to remember that these celebrities put themselves in a position to be stalked by the media. Unless we are referring to Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s children, most famous people choose to be in the public eye, they aren't born into it. I'm not condoning what paparazzi do, but celebrities either need to accept the life that they chose (a life that includes paparazzi), or change their situation to achieve a more “normal” lifestyle.
