Friday, February 1, 2013

Snap, Crackle, Pop Culture

Culture is comprised of so many different elements that it is very difficult to discuss it as a whole. It’s just too big a word! I am going to narrow in on one particular part of culture that is pop culture.

So, what is pop culture? It is in essence the activities that are of common interest to a group of people, or in other words, what is popular. This is where it gets its name. Many things are under this category, including music, art, movies, theater, and books.

There are so many different types of music, forms of art, and genres of movies and books. Depending on what you like, certain types will appeal to you more than others. The neat thing about pop culture is that no matter what interests you, there is always someone else out there that likes it too.

This is the beauty behind culture. It is what brings us together. By sharing a common interest in something with others, cultures are formed and friendships are made. In my opinion, pop culture is what brings us together the most. Books, music, and movies are simply something everyone can relate to. A day doesn’t go by that I don’t read a book or listen to music. Pop culture makes up such a significant part of our world that I believe every person is a part of it.

What do you think?


  1. I like your comment that pop culture is what brings us together. I agree that it is something that we all have in common, therefore it establishes itself as a conversation starter or unifying thing. Everyone is a part of their own subset of pop culture.

  2. I related to your statement regarding pop culture being a unifying factor among people. As you stated , pop culture can include music, and typically this is a good indicator of whether a musician can be successful. If they can succeed in the genre of pop, then we can understand holistically speaking, that a vast majority of people do enjoy their music. This was a good read and an interesting view on culture!

  3. I agree and also think pop culture is whatever the masses make it, and everyone like it or not has some relation or connection to pop culture
