Sunday, March 10, 2013

More than just words on a page

Literacy is not just the ability to read and write; it is so much more. Without literacy you would not be able to hold a conversation with anyone. You couldn’t talk or even comprehend words. This is just the beginning of literacy though. From my experience, to be literate also means you can understand where a person has been in the past, where they’re at in their lives, and where they’re going, just by “reading” them. A literate person can tell a lot about another person simply by looking at them. A person’s body language gives off their attitude, their tone of voice shows their personality, and even the topic of conversation tells of their interests or hopes and dreams. All of this combined creates a person’s morals and beliefs. And when all this is put together, it forms a person’s culture.
From personal experience, I believe that the ability to read people is a part of literacy.  Knowing how to understand people a little without having to ask questions but rather simply by reading their vibe is part of being literate. I believe that everyone is capable of reading people, and that this is how friendships are made. Throughout my entire life I have made friends who are similar to me in more ways than not. I believe this is because the first time I met these people I was able to pick up a vibe from them. People who were similar to me ended up being my friends and people who were not really like me did not. I believe that this ties into literacy.
What do you think? Do you think friendships are based off our ability to read people? And is reading people a part of literacy?

1 comment:

  1. Chloe Anne,

    Very intriguing; I had never thought before your post to consider literacy body language or one's tone, and now I include that in my definition! I completely agree that reading people is a part of literacy. You can tell a lot about a person, as you said, by looking at them. Those "vibes" influence as you stated friendships. Nice post!
